September 8, 2024

Ketu Kavach – The South Node Armour

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अथ केतुकवचम् 
अस्य श्रीकेतुकवचस्तोत्रमंत्रस्य त्र्यंबक ऋषिः I
अनुष्टप् छन्दः I केतुर्देवता I कं बीजं I नमः शक्तिः I
केतुरिति कीलकम् I केतुप्रीत्यर्थं जपे विनियोगः II
केतु करालवदनं चित्रवर्णं किरीटिनम् I
प्रणमामि सदा केतुं ध्वजाकारं ग्रहेश्वरम् II १ II
चित्रवर्णः शिरः पातु भालं धूम्रसमद्युतिः I
पातु नेत्रे पिंगलाक्षः श्रुती मे रक्तलोचनः II २ II
घ्राणं पातु सुवर्णाभश्चिबुकं सिंहिकासुतः I
पातु कंठं च मे केतुः स्कंधौ पातु ग्रहाधिपः II ३ II
हस्तौ पातु श्रेष्ठः कुक्षिं पातु महाग्रहः I
सिंहासनः कटिं पातु मध्यं पातु महासुरः II ४ II
ऊरुं पातु महाशीर्षो जानुनी मेSतिकोपनः I
पातु पादौ च मे क्रूरः सर्वाङ्गं नरपिंगलः II ५ II
य इदं कवचं दिव्यं सर्वरोगविनाशनम् I
सर्वशत्रुविनाशं च धारणाद्विजयि भवेत् II ६ II
II इति श्रीब्रह्माण्डपुराणे केतुकवचं संपूर्णं II
Ketu Kavach English pronunciation 
Asya śrīkētukavacastōtramantrasya tryambaka r̥ṣiḥ I 

anuṣṭap chandaḥ I kēturdēvatā I kaṁ bījaṁ I namaḥ śaktiḥ I|1||

kētuṃ karālavadanaṃ chitravarṇaṃ kirīṭinam ।
praṇamāmi sadā kētuṃ dhvajākāraṃ grahēśvaram ॥ 2 ॥

chitravarṇaḥ śiraḥ pātu bhālaṃ dhūmrasamadyutiḥ ।
pātu nētrē piṅgalākṣaḥ śrutī mē raktalōchanaḥ ॥ 3 ॥

ghrāṇaṃ pātu suvarṇābhaśchibukaṃ siṃhikāsutaḥ ।
pātu kaṇṭhaṃ cha mē kētuḥ skandhau pātu grahādhipaḥ ॥ 4 ॥

hastau pātu suraśrēṣṭhaḥ kukṣhiṃ pātu mahāgrahaḥ ।
siṃhāsanaḥ kaṭiṃ pātu madhyaṃ pātu mahāsuraḥ ॥ 5 ॥

ūrū pātu mahāśīrṣō jānunī mētikōpanaḥ ।
pātu pādau cha mē krūraḥ sarvāṅgaṃ narapiṅgalaḥ ॥ 6॥

ya idaṃ kavachaṃ divyaṃ sarvarōgavināśanam ।
sarvaśatruvināśaṃ cha dhāraṇādvijayī bhavēt ॥ 7 ॥

॥ iti śrībrahmāṇḍapurāṇē kētukavachaṃ sampūrṇam ॥

Ketu Kavach – The South Node Kavach English Translation
Ketu Kavacham is in Sanskrit. Tryambak is the rushi of this Kavacham. Anushtup is chanda. God is Ketu Bhagwan. Kam is Bijam. Namah is Shakti. Ketu is kilakam. I am reciting this Kavacham for Ketu to avert the troubles causing because of Ketu.
  •  Ketu has a dreadful face. He has a thorn having many colures. He has a flag like shape. I bow to him every day. Let my head be protected by Chitravarna. Let my forehead be protected by Dhumrasamadhutti. Let my eyes be protected by Pingalaksha. Let my ears be protected by RaktaLochana.
  • Let my nose be protected by Suvarnabha. Let my mouth be protected by Sinhikasuta. Let my throat be protected by Ketu. Let my shoulders be protected by Grahadhipa.
  • Let my hands be protected by Surasreshtna. Let my breast be protected by Mahagraha. Let my waist be protected by Sinhasanstha. Let my middle part of the body be protected by Mahasura.
  • Let my chest be protected by Mahashirsha. Let my knees be protected by Atikopana. Let my feet be protected by Krura. Let my all body be protected by Narapingala.
  • This Kavacham is very powerful. Whosoever wears it, will become free from all diseases. His enemies will be destroyed. He will become victorious.
  • Thus here ends Ketu Kavacham which is from Brahmananda Purana.
NOTE: Ketu Kavach – The south node armor is beneficial during negative Ketu Dasha. Any person who is going bad phase or Dasha of Ketu should read it. This Kavach protects from the negative effects of Ketu. If Ketu is badly placed in the 6,8,12 houses in a horoscope or if Ketu is in conjunction with Jupiter, Sun, Moon then this Kavach should be read by the native for protection.
My recommendation is to read this Kavach 5 times in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Due to the regularly repeated chant of this Kavach, it gets strong and therefore its provides Super protection from the negative effects of Ketu planet.

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